Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sheepish Adventures: Episode I

Or Episode IV for my fellow nerds. I had almost forgotten about this adventure's "sheepish" nature, until the photos surfaced recently. This summer, I went to the Newport wine festival. Why? Because wine, sunshine, sailing, beaches, and a weekend away from home are all most excellent.

Now, unfortunately there weren't any sheep themed wines at the festival, though I'm sure there must be somewhere. If not, let's get on that!

But, there was a sheep themed Scotch, Sheep Dip. And to be honest, I like Scotch even more than I like wine. Its a good scotch too. If I remember correctly, its a blend of something like a dozen different types and ages of scotch. I'm no expert at describing whiskey flavors, so I won't try and embarrass myself, but it was smooth, flavorful, with none of that pucker inducing rubbing alcohol aftertaste.

And what better place to enjoy a nice glass of scotch on a sunny afternoon? On a reclining swing, of course!

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